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What we believe

神について God 


There is only one God; three persons that make up ONE God - The Father, The Son - Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. God is absolutely holy, all-powerful, all-knowing, sovereign over everything, and his greatest attribute is his perfect love. (John 1)


創造について Creation 


All the universe was created by God. God spoke, and through Jesus everything came into existence from nothing. God made all species of creatures separately. Everything that God made was good. (Genesis 1, John 1)


人間について Man


God made humans. The first man was Adam, the first woman was Eve. They were made in God's image, without sin, and enjoyed a close relationship with God. (Genesis 1)


悪魔について The devil

悪魔は本当に存在します。悪魔は神の敵であり、神に従う者の敵です。悪魔も神によって造られましたが、神と同等ではありません。悪魔は真実を混乱させ、神に従う者を罪に陥れようとします。    悪魔は最後には打ち負かされ、投獄され、火の池で永遠に罰せられるのです。(創世記2章、黙示録12章・20章)

The devil, or Satan, is real. He is the enemy of God, thus being an enemy of all God’s followers. He was created by God but is not equal to God. He is the blinder of the truth and the accuser of the saints. He has followers/servants that are referred to as demons. They will all be defeated, imprisoned, and punished for all eternity in the Lake of Fire in the end. (Genesis 2, Revelation 12, Revelation 20)


罪について Sin 


Adam and Eve fell into temptation and disobeyed God, this was the first sin. The consequence of sin was eternal separation from God which brought about physical death, spiritual death, and the corruption of all things physical. This sinful trait was then passed on to all humans. Those that die in their sin, will be punished for eternity in hell to atone for their sins. (Genesis 2, Romans 5)


救済 Redemption 


Because God loved humanity, he sent his son Jesus to earth to be the savior of the world. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified on a cross, then was resurrected three days later. He was seen by his disciples and over 500 witnesses, then went back to heaven on a cloud. He died to forgive our sins by appeasing God's wrath, and to grant eternal life to all who put their trust in Him.  (The Gospels)


聖別について Sanctification 


When we put our faith and trust in Jesus, he cleanses us from all of our sins - past, present, future. He sets us apart for himself, he gives us his Holy Spirit which resides in us. From the time we are saved to when we die, we are being made more and more like Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5)


栄化 Glorification 


Jesus will one day come back the way he left. We will be resurrected just as Jesus was and will live with him for all eternity. At this time we will be fully sanctified and will no longer sin. (Acts 1, 1 Thessalonians 4, Revelation 22)


教会について The Church


The global Church - All disciples of Christ as brothers and sisters in the family of God make up the Church. All believers are also considered saints and priests in the eyes of God. (1 Peter 2, Phil 4)



The local church: A committed and consistent gathering of disciples held together and governed by a structure that is prescribed by the Bible. Its role is to be the salt and light in its communities and regions, to strengthen and train the disciples into Christ-likeness and bringing forth the Gospel, and to gather for corporate worship, mutual encouragement, and exhortation. The local church is a place where we can use our spiritual gifts to serve the Lord and each other. (Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4)


聖書について The Bible


The Bible is the infallible Word of God. It is the standard and authority by which we make decisions and live our lives. The Bible should first be read and understood in its original context, then applied to our lives. Our experiences are interpreted through the Bible, the Bible is not interpreted through our experiences. While there is no individual meaning for verses, there are unique and individual applications. (Matthew 4, 2 Timothy 3, 2 Peter 3)

​You've never heard the Gospel?


​There are many explanations of the Gospel, but The Bridge is really easy. Please listen!

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